The Pension Fund of Ukraine's reception desk has become more accessible

Among public facilities and social services, there are facilities that require the utmost attention to safety and convenience for all visitors. This applies particularly to the accessibility of buildings and structures, movement and stays in health care facilities and health care organisations.
Equal attention to architectural and informational accessibility for groups of people with disabilities, including people with disabilities of different nosologies, is required by the central institutions and local offices of the Pension Fund of Ukraine due to the specifics of their work with different categories of visitors.

In early October 2020, specialists from the Resource Centre “Barrier-Free Ukraine” conducted an initial and repeated inspection of the Citizens’ Reception Office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (9 Bastionna Street, Kiev) to determine the status of architectural accessibility for MSM, including persons with disabilities.

Тактильная тротуарная плитка предупреждающая 300x300x14.7мм

The initial survey showed that the surrounding area, the building and the premises of the reception centre are equipped in accordance with the norms and regulations on accessibility for persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities.
At the same time, the survey did identify a number of barriers and obstacles that create certain difficulties for some categories of disabled people in moving around the area and entering the reception area, but which in general do not affect the overall accessibility of the facility.


облаштували місця для паркування транспортних засобів, якими керують особи з інвалідністю або які перевозять осіб з інвалідністю;

Тактильная тротуарная плитка предупреждающая 300x300x14.7мм

Приймальня громадян Пенсійного фонду України стала доступнішою

Following an initial survey of the state of architectural accessibility for MSM, the implementers developed a set of recommendations, according to which the works were planned to be carried out and the shortcomings eliminated.
The Resource Centre “Barrier-Free Ukraine” provided advisory support during the planning and implementation of the entire work package.
In accordance with the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as taking into account the principles of universal design and accessibility of the premises and the surrounding area, the following work was carried out
universal information signs were installed;
equipped parking spaces for vehicles operated by persons with disabilities or carrying persons with disabilities
restored and installed new handrails on existing ramps and stairs
applied or updated contrasting markings to stairs, doorways, transparent structures and other obstacles throughout the facility;
installed a changing table in the toilet facilities, an additional handrail on the doors from the inside, coat hooks and hangers, two-way communication device, etc.

Контрастная маркировка дверных проемов, прозрачных конструкцийКонтрастная маркировка дверных проемов, прозрачных конструкций

гачки-вішалкипеленаний столик

A second accessibility audit at the end of January this year showed that the barriers and obstacles previously identified had been removed.
It should be especially noted that the client, taking care of safety, accessibility and comfort of all visitors to the Citizens’ Reception Desk of the Ukrainian Pension Fund, has set a good example, showed an informal approach to all technical solutions and adaptations used in the surrounding area and in the building.
Thus, the Citizens’ Reception Room of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, with the help of RASC specialists, has become more accessible, convenient and comfortable for all categories of visitors.