Social project for visually impaired people

торжественное открытие 3-D модели историко-архитектурного памятника Собора Святой Софии

On 25 September Ruslan Rubel, a representative of POG Resource Centre “Barrier-free Ukraine”, was invited to the opening ceremony of the 3-D model of the historical and architectural monument of St. Sophia Cathedral, which is one of the most visited tourist locations, venues of state and city events and is included in the list of World Heritage Sites of UNESCO!

This layout was born in this form thanks to the VOG specialists of the National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine. Advisory services, support during the creation process, adaptation to make the layout accessible and tactile to blind users, proofreading and editing of Braille inscriptions, all this was done by the consultants of the VOG of the National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine. There was also sponsorship: throughout the year, specialists worked on a voluntary basis.

Торжественное открытие 3-D модели историко-архитектурного памятника Собора Святой Софии

Project goal: creation of tactile models of the main tourist-attractive historical and architectural monuments with tactile relief signs (in Braille) accessible to the visually impaired. We believe that this pilot project is intended to facilitate and expand access of visually impaired people to Kiev’s tourist locations. Three-dimensional cognitive relief models will let the blind “see with their hands” and people with good eyesight understand how famous architectural monuments look like from the bird’s-eye view”.

Project subject: Kyiv City Administration and the Department of Tourism and Promotion supported the initiative to implement a social project for visually impaired people.

Result: it is created and installed in St. Sophia Square 3-D model of St. Sophia Cathedral on a marble pedestal with plates with the Braille text and a description of the object.

Information about Saint Sophia Cathedral. St Sophia Cathedral is an architectural, historical and monumental art monument of national and world significance. It was built in 1011-1018 during the reign of the Kiev princes Vladimir the Great and his son Yaroslav the Wise. Dedicated in honour of St Sophia – the Wisdom of God.

  • Торжественное открытие 3-D модели историко-архитектурного памятника Собора Святой Софии
  • Торжественное открытие 3-D модели историко-архитектурного памятника Собора Святой Софии
  • Торжественное открытие 3-D модели историко-архитектурного памятника Собора Святой Софии