Accessibility Audit

Improve the accessibility of your facilities for people with reduced mobility. We conduct detailed audits, identify problem areas, and provide recommendations for creating a convenient and safe environment.

Why is it important to conduct an audit accessibility
Ensuring Equal Opportunities

The audit helps identify and remove barriers that prevent people with reduced mobility, including individuals with disabilities, from using public spaces and services on an equal footing with others.

Improving Quality of Life

Accessible infrastructure contributes to improving the quality of life for people with reduced mobility by allowing them to be more independent and actively participate in community life.

Compliance with Legal Requirements

According to current Ukrainian legislation, full compliance with safety, accessibility, and usability requirements for buildings and structures is mandatory.

Social Integration

Ensuring accessibility promotes social integration and prevents discrimination against people with reduced mobility, allowing them to actively participate in social, economic, and cultural life.

Economic Advantages

An inclusive environment attracts a broader range of visitors and consumers, which can contribute to business growth and regional economic development.

Improving Public Safety

Identifying and removing hazardous areas and obstacles makes the environment safer for everyone, including people with reduced mobility.

Our Services
Survey of Architectural Accessibility of the Facility

You receive a package of reporting documentation:

  • a consolidated form 'List of Identified Barriers and Obstacles';
  • a general conclusion on the state of architectural, informational accessibility, and service accessibility for people with disabilities;


  • a survey questionnaire listing all parameters and indicators obtained through instrumental examination;
  • a package of photo and video materials.

A photo or video presentation can be developed upon request based on the research results.

from 2,500.00 ₴
Submit an application
Information Support for the Adaptation of the Facility

Performed only after conducting a preliminary accessibility analysis and if necessary.

As a result, you will receive detailed recommendations for resolving all accessibility issues. After addressing the identified issues according to our recommendations or by our developers, you will receive a conclusion that the building or structure meets accessibility and barrier-free requirements.

from 3,000.00 ₴
Submit an application
Conclusion on the Accessibility of the Premises

To start the work, our specialists thoroughly study the real estate object according to all requirements established in the legislation and regulatory framework of Ukraine.

Our specialist needs to be provided with the following documentation:

  • ownership documents;
  • technical passport;
  • plans, schemes, and photos of the buildings;
  • technical report, if one has been made previously.
from 7,000.00 ₴
Submit an application
Document of Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities that you will receive
Who Needs It
Financial Companies
Educational Institutions
Features of Service Provision

Before starting the examination, the specialists of RCBO carefully study the legal and technical documentation.

These are legal documents, a technical passport, a preliminary technical report on the presence or absence of violations in the premises, photos of the object, and other materials. In some cases, a land use plan is required.

Such documents will help the RCBO specialist in forming the route and research strategy. This is especially relevant when the building is large or has a complex layout.

What we pay attention to
According to DSP, corridors must be wide enough for wheelchair users.
Interior elements should not obstruct the movement of people, including MGN and persons with disabilities.
There should be no obstacles at a height of 0.7-2.1 m.
The suitability of sanitary zones and toilets for wheelchair users, persons with disabilities, and other MGN.
List of documents and service costs

To calculate the cost of inspecting premises for their accessibility to people with disabilities and other MGN, a preliminary review of the object's characteristics is required.

To assess the technical parameters, the RCBO specialists need a package of documents.

Various factors are taken into account when forming the price. Our specialists will consider the condition of the object, the specifics of its use, and other aspects.

The client must provide photos of the entrance group, ramp, doors, and corridors, etc. The list of required documents may vary in each specific case.

Package of documents
Copies of documents confirming ownership (the premises belong to the client)/Copy of the lease agreement (the premises are rented).
Copy of the BTI technical passport.
Client data for contract preparation (details, address, and company name).