Tactile means of orientation

Tactile means of orientation include such elements as tactile tiles, raised pointers, tactile stickers and step pads, as well as a non-slip aluminum pad.

Tactile tiles and raised signage are designed to create an accessible environment for the visually impaired. They help blind and partially sighted people to navigate in the surrounding space, showing the direction of movement and warning of obstacles and dangers.

Tactile stickers and step pads also play an important role in creating a safe environment. They are mounted on steps and other objects, providing tactile information about their configuration and location.

The anti-slip aluminum pad is an effective means of preventing accidents on steps and other smooth surfaces. It provides better adhesion of shoes to the surface, reducing the risk of slipping and injury.

These tactile aids help make the environment more accessible and safe for all users, regardless of their abilities.

  • Anti-slip aluminum pad on the first and last step with a yellow rubber insert. Its installation will provide a visual, anti-slip effect, as well as a tactile notification of users with profound visual impairment about the need to concentrate in order to avoid injury while moving up the stairs. A special grooved rubber tab will make movement comfortable and safe on a slippery surface. Installation of an anti-slip aluminum profile is especially important in places such as supermarkets, pharmacies, transport, banks and other frequently visited locations. Size: 1000 x 45 mm
  • Tiles with longitudinal riffs are mounted parallel along the edge of the carriageway, indicating the direction of travel in a straight line. Size 300x300x14.7 mm Material: ceramic
  • Self-adhesive permanent adhesive film
  • The sign is accessible to the visually impaired. Materials: Aluminium plate, silver semi-matt double-sided SILVER SATIN #201 Basic size: 100*50 mm. We can make a pointer to your size and colour, which will fit perfectly into the interior. Base price : 140 UAH
  • Size: 300*300 mm - 330 UAH 400*400 mm - 390 UAH Polyurethane tactile tiles: High strength characteristics. Such products will not crack, break, fade and wear out, unlike concrete signs; Low cost. The final price of equipping facilities with PU-based tactile tiles is lower than the cost of using concrete products. Versatility. PU tactile tiles can be used on any curved or embossed surface.
  •   Size: 300*300 mm - 330 UAH 400*400 mm - 390 UAH. Tactile tiles from polyurethane with glue layer allows in a few minutes to adapt the necessary territory for people with visual impairment. Properties of polyurethane tiles and glue composition allow using tactile tiles in rooms even with high passability.
  • Main advantages of aluminium indicators If the size of the tile makes it impossible to fit a standard tile, tactile indicators are a better choice compact size and affordable price not subject to corrosion non-slip notch simplified mounting by means of a stencil
  • Types of tactile indicators/cones: 1) Steel tactile cone with pin and polyurethane center KT 04 D35 X 5 (S304/PU) I-25 2) Tactile steel cone KT 02 D35 X 5 (S304, S316) I-0 3) Aluminum tactile indicator with pin KT 02 D35x5 AL I-15 4) Tactile polyurethane cone with pin KT 03 D35 X 5 (PU) I-25
  • Types of tactile indicators/cone: 1)Tactile cone steel with pin and polyurethane middle KT 04 D35 X 5 (S304/PU) I-25 2)Tactile steel cone KT 02 D35 X 5 (S304, S316) I-0 3)Tactile indicator aluminium with pin KT 02 D35x5 AL I-15 4)Tactile cone polyurethane with pin KT 03 D35x5 (PU) I-25
  • Tactile PVC strip PT 33-30x290 PVC 35 mm wide and 290 mm long with mounting pins or self-adhesive backing. Cost: 105 UAH
  • Size: 300*300 mm - 260 UAH 400*400 mm - 330 UAH Advantages: High strength characteristics. Low cost. Universality.
  • Tactile cones are used for the safety and orientation of visually impaired people in public spaces. Aluminum tactile indicator with pin D35×5 (for external installation)

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