Громадської спілки “Всеукраїнське громадське об’єднання “Національна асамблея людей з інвалідністю України”

Adapting the Environment for People with Limited Mobility

satisfied customers
Показано жовту тактильну плитку з рельєфними круглими виступами. Вона прокладена у підземному паркінгу вздовж проходу. На задньому плані видно припарковану машину та стіну.

What We Offer

We offer comprehensive solutions to ensure comfort and accessibility for all.

The Barrier-Free Ukraine Resource Center provides an individualized approach to adapting environments for people with limited mobility.

We develop and manufacture a wide range of environmental adaptation tools designed for safe independent movement for anyone, regardless of their physical characteristics.

About Us

operating in the Ukrainian market


architectural accessibility audits conducted for people with limited mobility


training sessions conducted


clients become our friends and return to us again

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They talk about us

The company's instructors have proven to be professionals in their field. The training services were provided in full, at a high professional level and on time.


The agreement with the PGU of the RCBU was fulfilled in full and in a quality manner, no claims were made

Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Lviv Region

Deliveries were made on time, and there were no comments on the quality of the goods. During the execution of the contract, positive results were achieved, and the RCCU proved to be a reliable supplier and partner.

State Judicial Administration of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv

Thank you very much! The plates fit in like a glove

Y.V. Opanasiuk Interdisciplinary Dental Centre

Barrier-free is the philosophy of a society without restrictions. It is about the inner readiness to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable.The Puppet Theatre on the Left Bank of the Dnipro expresses its gratitude to Olena and the Resource Centre Barrier-Free Ukraine for the quality and timely provision of consultations, services and production of the ordered goods (Braille signs).Thank you for your professionalism and reliability. The Centre is focused on achieving results and has a deep understanding of the issue of barrier-free accessibility, which is important for everyone.

Puppet Theatre on the left bank of the Dnipro river
satisfied customers