Sign “Charging phones” in Braille

From 500.00 

It has a tactile effect. The sign is accessible to the visually impaired.

Materials printed on: PVC, composite.
We produce signs in the size and colour you need.

Base price and size :

250 x 250×3 mm = 600 UAH;
350 x 150 mm = 525 UAH;
300 x 150mm = 500 UAH.


The “Phone Charging” sign is not just an informational sign, but also an important service for customers, indicating the place where mobile phones are charged.

In today’s world, phone charging is necessary for many people, especially in public places such as restaurants, cafes, shopping centres or hotels. The ‘Phone Charging’ sign helps customers to find the place quickly by providing a convenient charging service.

The ‘Phone Charging’ signage ensures that there is an available charging location, allowing you to continue using your device without losing connectivity and internet access. Thus, it provides the convenience and satisfaction of using your mobile phone anywhere.

Available sign sizes are 250x250x3mm, 350x150mm, 300x150mm.
We offer a choice of language – English, Ukrainian, Braille for improved accessibility.

Our lettering method ensures the signs are durable and the braille safe edges make them safe for everyone.

Tactile “Phone Charging” signs are located on the right side of the entrance at a height of 1.2 to 1.5 metres. They can be mounted vertically or angled for convenience.

Our tactile signs can have a combined Cyrillic and Braille design or Braille only. Atmospheric resistant coating and contrasting colours improve visibility.

We guarantee the durability of outdoor signs throughout the year. Order from us and we will deliver to Ukraine via Novaya Posta.

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